Though it's only a mayoral race, I think a Santa Ana version of Time for Some Campaignin' would be an instant classic.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Living in Santa Ana.
Coffee aside, the second most disgusting thing at Starbucks are their outdoor patio tables. Come to think of it, I have actually never seen anyone buying his or her coffee at the Starbucks on the corner of 4th and Broadway and bring it outside to drink–and for good reason.
On several occasions, I’ve noticed things that take place on the tables that have a way of making your upper lip uncontrollably snarl in disgust, revealing the top row of my teeth, and sometimes my gums.
Here’s my top 5 list of disgusting things happening (or not happening) on Starbuck's tables:
5. Kids in their teens putting their feet on the table as if it were a raised ottoman
4. People placing their small, dirty mangy-looking dogs on the table
3. The fact that I’ve never seen anyone clean those tables
2. A homeless guy that smelled like the walking dead sleeping at the table
1. A baby being changed with nothing between it and the table
Posted by Ben Dayhoe at 6:26 PM
Filed Under:
aka OCD
Food and Drink
Local Restaurants
The Ugly
Tomorrow night kicks off the first event of our three-part summer art walk series: "Summer Groove".
There will be a live band jamming in the courtyard, DJs spinning on the streets, and drinks being served from our downtown friends Bistro 400.
Art Walk starts at 7PM. For more information, visit the newly updated (thanks Mrs. Dayhoe) Santiago Art District website for more information and links to the gallery websites.
Download our Summer Flyer here.
Did Lennar get a deal on blue paint or what?
Not that I have anything against the blue buildings, but seven buildings out of 20 total use the color blue in their palette. That's a little much if you ask me. Not to mention that blue and tan urban dwelling are about five years out of vogue.A Lennar sales representative once told me that the blue and tan buildings were in fact the hardest ones to move. Hence, there were to be no more blue buildings in the final phases.
So what happens five to ten years down the road when a blue and tan homeowner tries to sell their unit? Hopefully there are enough interesting things sprouting up around the loft community in the next few years to help these future sellers.
Originally, this tan and blue building on the corner of Poinsettia Street and Santa Ana Boulevard was slated to be the Greenwich Village facade–the green and brick stone one. But I guess the interior furnishings weren't the only things Lennar cheapened out on.
Posted by Ben Dayhoe at 12:46 PM
Filed Under:
Personal Commentary
The Ugly
When: July 17/6:00PM
Where: Santiago Street Loft Sales Office
Landscaping, lighting and window washing to be discussed.
I'm hoping that Lennar will make a graceful exit once they've completed the final phase with a courtesy window washing.
Can't make the meeting but have an issue with our Association?
Go ahead and leave a comment on this thread or the community Google Group and it will be addressed.
Posted by Ben Dayhoe at 10:37 PM
Filed Under:
Learn Something
The Bad
The Good
The Ugly
Didn't get enough partying in this 4th of July weekend? No worries. This Saturday starting at 5PM, the downtown restaurants and bars will be hosting the Santa Ana Pub Crawl.
Stop off at any of the participating locations and pick up a "Crawler Card" for a chance to win free prizes. All you need to do is visit all of the locations featured on the card that night and get it stamped by an employee. Once you've got all of the locations checked off on your card, turn it in (at any of the locations) and you’ll be entered into the raffle. That's it!
Visit the Pub Crawl website for more details and be sure to sign up on the mailing list for information updates.
Posted by Ben Dayhoe at 11:34 AM
Filed Under:
Bargain Hunting
Food and Drink
Local Deals
Local Restaurants
The Good